Film score
Subtitle: Film score
Other titles: 6d telegram
Period of composition: 11 - 15 Jul 1935
Genre: Incidental music
Text: (of choral sections) possibly W.H. Auden (1907-1973)
Performing forces:

Boys' voices - fl, ob, cl in A - perc (glock, xyl, trgl, susp cymb, sd) - pf.


Written to accompany the film 6d telegram (released in 1939), which was produced for the GPO Film Unit. First recorded on 20 July 1935, then again on 19 October and 18 December of the same year because of problems with the original pressing. The Morse code sequence in this score is similar to that used in C.T.O: the story of the central telegraph office (Jul 1935).