Symphonic cycle for high voice and orchestra, op. 8
Period of composition: 13 May - 23 Jul 1936
Date notes

The possibility of a new Britten work for the 1936 Norwich Festival was first broached in February 1934, though it was not until January 1936 that Britten began discussing the work with Auden.

Revised: May 1961

The revisions of 1961 (made in preparation for BBC recording sessions on 11 June 1961) involved some rescoring of the 'Epilogue'.

First performance: 25 Sep 1936 >>
Type of performance: Concert performance
Location: St Andrew's Hall, Norwich, Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Music Festival
Performance details:

Sophie Wyss sop, LPO, Benjamin Britten cond

Genre: Solo vocal
Text: Devised by W.H. Auden
Performing forces:

Sop or ten - 2 fl (II=picc), 2 ob (II=ca), cl in B flat (=A), cl in E flat (=bass cl), alto sax, 2 bn - 4 hn, 2 tpt in C, 2 trbn, bass trbn, tuba - timp, 2 perc (sd, td, cymb, bd, xyl, trgl, tamb) - harp - str

Duration: 27'

Commissioned by the 1936 Norwich Festival

Dedication: 'Dedicated to Ralph Hawkes Esq.'

Ralph Hawkes (1989-1950), a director of the music publishers Boosey & Hawkes Ltd.


In July and September 1936 Britten held discussions with Rupert Doone and Robert Medley (choreographer and stage designer respectively for the Group Theatre) regarding the possibility of a ballet based on this work.