For piano, J. op 38

Manuscript Sources

main work record
  1. Sonata - 1 item
    SubtitleFor piano
    OpusNoJ.Op 38 J.OpC 6
    Date16-18 Mar 1926

    Dedicated to Miss Ethel Astle. The third movement [Prestissimo con molto fuoco e brio] is later used in 'Frolicsome finale' of 'Simple symphony' in 1934.

    Extent1 item
    1. Holographs - 1 item
      Date16-18 Mar 1926
      Extent1 item
      1. Fair copy - 7 pages of 17 page manuscript [10r-16r]
        TitleFair copy
        Date16-18 Mar 1926

        Fair copy with title, date and signature. Britten has also added a dedication 'to Miss Ethel Astle' under the title on page 10r. The second and third system on page 14v have been crossed out.

        Extent7 pages of 17 page manuscript [10r-16r]

        Black ink and pencil; 23.5 x 30.1 cm. Shares a volume with other sources. See Title Page of Collected Volume. Paper manufacturer's catalogue No. = RC1.


        'BOOK V / REMAINING TWO MOVEMENTS OF / PIANO Sonata (Grand) No 8 [written over a 5] / op 34 E.Benjamin Britten / PIANO Sonata No 9 [written over a 6 which has in turn been written over a 5] / Dedicated to Miss Ethel [there are two words in the middle here that are indicipherable] Astle / op 37 [seven crossed out and a 8 written instead] E.Benjamin Britten / [Full list of piano sonatas with numbers and keys]'.

This is a draft record and therefore reference codes and other details are subject to change. See further details about the project here.